About Home Care Work

About Home Care Work
About Home Care Work

About Home Care Work


As we define “Home Care” it is a service that we provide in home setting for patients after hospitalization for them to meet their activities of daily living, our goal here is to assist and to provide a quality care to our patients to promote wellness and to prevent recurrence of an illness or infirmity. It is focus on rehabilitative and therapeutic needs of patient/client. Home Care is provided by a registered health care professionals. Nurse-patient interaction is develop in a limited and professional way, health teaching must be provided to maintain wellness and safety of the patient.
For you to know more about our company and  how it could be easy  providing home care services, we will be giving these following issues and highlights what it is all about based on the experiences of our staffs.

  1. The Company

All Care Medical Group Company is well known company to provide home care services with a mission to provide quality health care obtaining patients/clients trust. Patients are VIPs , come from royal highness families in the kingdom. We are overlooking for healthcare providers who are fully equipped in knowledge and skills on how to provide and implement treatment or medical interventions which is essential for this work, should also have a pleasant personality and good ethics. Security and safety of staffs is highlighted in our company as well as close evaluation for efficient and effectiveness of services we are providing.  Work and benefit is very well compensated.

  1. The Services to Provide for Patients

As for the services we could provide for the patients we want to be more specific on how we provide everyday care for our patients through this scenario:
√ Start of duty – we are providing Morning care which includes giving a warm bath or cleaning the patient, promote proper hygiene to secure patient from any illness.
√ Identify and anticipating patient needs and providing assistance in their “ADL”.
√Check or ask about Discharge Home Care Plan of the patient and Doctors order by asking  relatives of patient and can ask for their assistance on the first day.
√Give or offer any meal of the day after making the patient comfortable and clean.
√ Check initial vital Signs ( BP,PR,RR and Glucose level) all are new technologies and automatic equipments so no hassle in checking VS.
√Give medications as per doctors Order
√ Stay in patients bedside to assist and provide patients needs.
√ Keep patient calm and comfortable
√ Reassure patient  for any needs
√ Can relax with the patient as long as he/she is sleeping and don’t need anything for the meantime
√ Can offer to make tea or snack after lunch
√ Keep the patient looks neat and clean by cutting nails and fixing everything with the patient as well as keeping the patients room organize and clean.
√ 12 hours duty is not a big deal because we are one on one with the patient and work is just assisting patient needs.
√ Accompany patient during follow up check ups in the hospital once a week or once a month depends on patient condition.
√ For some instances patients are still in hospital and they prefer to have a heath care provider within the hospitalization of the patient so you will be learning all about the machines and all stuffs if any (depends on patient case) and will be familiar more on how patient needs will be met.  It is a chance and a good training if patient is in hospital, less work just more on observation and learning for new medical interventions while in the hospital.

  1. Culture and Religion

Arab people are very generous in terms of giving gifts especially during the holiday seasons in Muslim countries. In reported cases of our staffs they are earning doubled for their salaries during this time. Gifts are expensive like gold jewelries,  branded bags, and clothes, they are very good once they know you are hardworking, for some they give cash from 50 to 1000 rials, each member of the family have different gifts. It is said to be the great advantage for healthcare providers under homecare.

  1. Benefits

√ Full salary will be saved as basic needs,  3meals is free including other belongingness will be provided by the patient ( WiFi & Phone card is free in the house)
√ Less stress.

√ Less work.

√ A lot of Enjoyments, Activitys, Partys, Concerts and Trips.

√ A lot of Gifts can be a mixture of money, contact card, smart mobile, clothes, bags and also easy to get gold and jewelry


  1. Dos and Don’ts

√ Do not do any unnecessary things in the house
√ Do report immediately if maybe any person are ask to do any job not Home Care like house cleaning or cook management not accept and other work aside from patient needs because the contract clear that you are not responsible for anything aside from patients needs.
√ Do make a patient care plan